Graph API objects are assigned a unique ID and are easily addressable using a URL that can be further qualified to address a specific object/ connection. GraphAPI对象被分配一个惟一的ID,很容易使用一个URL访问它,此URL可被进一步限定,以寻址一个特定的对象/连接。
Upon receipt of the Invitation Letter the qualified manufacturers or trading companies are requested to Buy the Bidding Documents as per the time and the address indicated therein. 预审合格的制造商或贸易公司,在收到邀请信后,按邀请信上规定时间、地点前来购买投标文件。
In negotiations, keep the focus on the employer's needs and how you are uniquely qualified to address them. 在商讨中,注意力放在雇主的需求、以及自己有什么独特的资格来解决它们之上。
We invite qualified candidates to email or mail in their English& Chinese Resumes, with a photo, to below address. 有意者请发中英文简历至所述地址,请在信封左下角注明应聘职位,或将简历发至本公司。